Upcoming Event

The 2nd Dialogue Series on Strengthening Partnerships to Reach Zero Dose will focus on strengthening CSO led accountability and partnerships to support countries build back better.

Theme: Building Back Together: Strengthening Partnerships for CSO-led Accountability and Equity in Immunisation

Date: Wednesday 26th July 2023

Time: 15:00-16:30 EAT | 14:00-15:30 CAT | 13:00-14:30 WAT | 

12:00-13:30 GMT | 08:00-9:30 EDT


Universal health coverage (UHC) has gained significant political momentum across Africa in recent years, with many countries committing to provide access to quality, affordable health care for all by 2030, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Immunization saves lives, makes communities more productive and is a core component of strengthening health systems and attaining the Sustainable Development Goals. As such, political commitment for investing in immunization is one of the imperatives for meeting the SDG and UHC objectives. Vaccines are one of the most effective and cost-effective public health interventions available.

Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic, though Africa had made tremendous gains toward increasing access to immunization, one in five African children still did not have access to life-saving vaccines. As a result, vaccine-preventable diseases continued to claim many lives. In 2021, we saw a further decline with over 25 million children missing out on essential vaccines, (i.e. zero dose children), as did millions more throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
To prevent further backsliding, 2023 promises to be a year of intensification of global efforts to support countries to scale up their national immunization programmes. The world has lost 30 years of progress during the pandemic and now millions of children are more vulnerable to preventable diseases.

Against this background, Gavi CSO Hosting Arrangement that is managed by Amref will partner with PATH and other like-minded institutions to strengthen civil society led advocacy at country and regional level through civil society dialogues aimed at deepening discussions and action towards improved immunization outcomes in the region. These shall be three meetings planned in 2023 with the first one in March 2023, the second in May 2023 and the  final and in person meeting in September 2023.


  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among civil society organisations, donors, UN agencies, regional health practitioners, academia, research institutions, and EPI teams at the country level to advance IA2030 objectives.
  • Share updates on progress made with regard to implementation of Gavi 5.0/5.1 strategy
  • Share learning on the critical role CSOs are playing to ensure equity and accountability to reach zero dose and missed communities at country level

Expected Results

  • Strengthened platform for information sharing within the Gavi CSO constituency, enabling effective knowledge exchange, learning, and replication of successful approaches.
  • Enhanced partnerships and collaboration among civil society organisations, Gavi, and normative agencies, fostering mutual accountability and collective action in immunisation initiatives.


This shall be a virtual bi-lingual (English and French) engagement bringing together civil society partners, specifically the Gavi CSO Constituency and normative agencies in the region to share information, develop a joint advocacy agenda and collectively work towards improved immunization advocacy outcomes at country and regional level. The meeting will utilize a combination of panel discussions and breakout sessions.

Our Audience

Civil Society

Donors: Gavi, World Bank, USAID, UKAID,

UN Agencies: UNICEF, WHO

Regional health practitioners/ Professional associations


Research institutions

EPI teams at country level


The Power of Civil Society: Over 120 CSOs Join Forces for Immunization Advocacy in Africa

On the 29th of March 2023, the Gavi CSO Constituency, Amref (the Gavi CSO Host), and PATH invited CSOs from all over Africa and the world to the first Civil Society Dialogue Series on the theme Maintain, Recover and Increase: Strengthening Civil Society Led Advocacy Towards Renewed Action for Immunisation in Africa.