
The Investment Opportunity and Gavi 6.0 documents are instruments developed by Gavi. While the Gavi 6.0 strategy is a comprehensive document that was developed following a consultative process, the Investment Opportunity (IO) document highlights selected portions from the 6.0 strategy to reflect on how Gavi can achieve results from core pieces of the strategy.
Gavi’s next cycle from 2026 – 2030 is an opportunity to accelerate impact through improved investment in vaccines by countries. In this context, the IO is a high-level document developed to procure funding from donor organizations and has been developed based on a series of consultations with donor organizations. In addition, Gavi aims to gather inputs to the IO document through consultations with the Constituency and other stakeholders to develop a robust investment strategy for Gavi 6.0 and accelerate funding for vaccination.


The Gavi CSO constituency is a structured entity formed by Civil Society Organizations. It is led by an eighteen-member Steering Committee composed of a team diversified with respect to gender, expertise and geographic representation. The SC is represented at the Gavi Board, and governance committees such as, PPC and APPT. The CSOs play a key role in replenishment and in key messaging to donors.
The CSO Constituency can play a vital role in advocacy for funding as some of the members come with experience in advocacy and in framing the narrative to donors for fundraising. When the voices of Civil Society and the Constituency are included in the consultative process, it strengthens the narrative on global health security and vaccination, as CSOs represent the ground realities and voices from the Community. Further, they represent the local context and can make valuable contributions in developing the narrative on funding for vaccination for communities.

  1. Include a strong case for multilateralism in this paper: given that the present times are not very conducive to fundraising, the IO received two key inputs from donors which include: (i) assessing the importance of the global health security narrative and (ii) framing the argument to enable increased access to funding.
  2. Represent country level voices on Gavi’s ability to strengthen the case for funding: Gavi has been able to influence countries to mobilize resources for vaccinations. In the ELTRACO discussions, co-financing will focus on countries and will include country examples to demonstrate the work done by Gavi.
  3. Highlight innovations from Gavi that are not from the private sector (which is the only sector highlighted in the present version): the framing is currently for the private sector who will play a crucial role in generating funding for vaccines.
  4. Represent the different views on COVAX: Given the many iterations to this document, it would be interesting to include the pandemic as an example to showcase the work done by Gavi during emergencies.
  5. Highlight the coordination and collaboration (with CSOs) that is required to raise resources for vaccination: this would be highlighted in the IO document.
  6. Showcase how countries are trying local solutions for scale up and sustainability (EPI supporting supply chain and transportation, managing transparency in fund disbursements to local CSOs, reducing wastage).
  1. ELTRACO section: include the journey of implementing countries about how local solutions drive sustainability
  2. Broad partnership: include how Gavi will expand and grow local partnerships, with civil society organisations
  3. Non-private sector innovation: will be included as part of localization

The present fiscal environment is not very conducive for funding. Therefore, to raise resources for countries, there is a need make an investment case to donors to support Gavi for the next 5 years. The IO is an inventory of arguments/ business cases for the Constituency to use going forward. However, while the IO is a global document, there is a need to customize it at the national and regional levels and this effort would require close collaboration with Civil Society Organisations.
There would be opportunities to write to key decision makers, governments and other actors and the IO would enable engagement with key audiences, champions and influencers. It will create opportunities to discuss the IO, the role of immunisation and the role of Gavi and civil society in reaching the last mile with vaccination. It provides scope to disseminate information through participation in panel discussions, development of opinion pieces, articles to enhance fundraising efforts and improve donor relations. There is a need to advocate for replenishment and engage closely to make it happen.

  • Civil Society could play a role in helping communities (EPI Managers, SCM’s etc.) have a voice and talk about the role of Gavi’s interventions in their daily lives.
  • The Gavi CSO constituency could be a platform to communicate on the impact of Gavi’s work at the country level.
  • The content that is being built for this kind of communication should be very intentional.
  • There should be a customized framework that can be adapted to make it relevant to the audience and constituencies. Obtaining two-way feedback would be important.
  • There should be regular briefings on replenishment, and engagement of CSOs in replenishment campaigns with advance notice provided to participate in the campaign.
  • There should be a shared space to track opportunistic moments where Civil Society might speak to their own networks and in meetings about different health topics.
  • The Girl Effect is an example of how other donors such as the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation can be onboarded to support specific services.
  • Framing the argument to donors in the present fiscal environment and telling stories to strengthen the narrative on funding becomes important. There are many examples to use such as the Malaria argument, the Dengue argument and Measles in the North to make a case for vaccination at the country level.

    It is important to ensure that the Constituency is part of consultations as they would be able to contribute to developing the narrative for funding and demonstrate the impact of Gavi’s work at the country level.

Voices from the Gavi CSO Steering Committee

“In terms of Health Systems Strengthening, there has been no investment in Human Resources for Health, yet Community Health Workers are key players in the Essential Programme on Immunisation. With the vaccine portfolio expanding and commitments to support strengthening supply chains and data systems, it is crucial to draw from past strategy experiences to inform future efforts.”

– Esther Nasikye

“I think there is good exposure of investments in community systems to protect communities and ensure no one is left behind. There is an opportunity to showcase Gavi’s resilient impact, as investments in building local capacity at the community level lead to resilience in the face of outbreaks and humanitarian crises. One example is how empowered communities responded to Ebola outbreaks.”

– Onei Uetela

“Sustainability requires collaboration between GHIs on cross-cutting investments. For example, HPV vaccination must be paired with health systems capable of screening and treatment, linking various investments to ensure continuous funding.”

– Salome Meyer